Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Captain America: Civil War (News)


Captain America: Civil War is going to be one of the biggest movie events of 2016. It's going to take the MCU to a new level, and it will raise the stakes for our favorite heroes, not only in this film but in the films to come.

In Captain America: Civil War, they are either for or against the Sokovia Accords, which state that the heroes "shall no longer operate freely or unregulated, but instead operate under the rules, ordinances and governances of the afore mentioned United Nations panel, acting only when and if the panel deems it appropriate and/or necessary."

In an interview with Sina Entertainment while talking with directors Anthony and Joe Russo, and they simply asked if Vision plays a big role in the film, and this was the writer/directors' response:
"Vision is a captivating character, and he does play a critical role in the Civil War. The comic fans might be able to guess what he is going to do." 

 The Vision's role in the Civil War comic arc. Vision rebelled against what the government was doing and ended up on team Captain America. He also played an important part in the climatic battle against Iron Man and his team. However, in the film, Vision sides with Iron Man. I'm not sure why they did this other than the fact that Jarvis' A.I. is a part of Vision.

The Vision probably won't stay on Iron Man's side in the film. I think he'll end up helping Captain America. What I think the Russos are referring to in their comment is the part in the comic where Vision uses his powers to disable Iron Man's armor during the final battle. This gives Captain America the opportunity to beat the living shit out of Tony, which he does!

Captain America: Civil War is set to be released on May 6th 2016

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