Entertainment Weekly recently released the first official look at
Thor: Ragnorok with the official cover of their March issue. The magazine also revealed exciting new details about the film’s plot.
Cate Blanchett (Hela) and
Chris Hemsworth (Thor) shared the scoop about their character arcs in the film. According to Blanchett, Hela begins the film as a prisoner, and her escape kicks off the main conflict of the film:
“She’s been locked away for millennia getting more and more cross, and then, with a mistake, she gets unleashed and she ain’t getting back in that box.”
Entertainment Weekly also gave some context to this, mentioning that unlike some Big Bads who don’t really face off against the hero until the finale, Hela will clash with Thor early on in the movie:
Her attack on Thor sends him to Sakaar where he is forced to become a gladiator and realizes he’s no longer super special.
Hemsworth revealed that once on Sakaar, Thor quickly finds himself outmatched. He was quick to share more details about this planet, which clearly has echoes of the comic storyline ‘World War Hulk’:
“Sakaar is basically where every wormhole across the universe dumps out its trash, so you get people from all walks of life with all sorts of incredible abilities and powers. No one cares what prince or king Thor may have been in another world. Also, his strength is pretty easily matched with those he finds himself amongst.”
It appears that Thor will be forced to fight several opponents during his time as a gladiator on Sakaar. As one of the most physically powerful figures in the MCU, it should be refreshing to see Thor take on opponents he can’t easily beat in single combat. In fact, the only character we’ve seen Thor have difficulties fighting one-on-one because of their strength is Hulk. Speaking of which…
Case in point: Sakaar’s most successful (and popular) fighter is The Hulk.
Still no word on exactly how Hulk wound up on Sakaar, or how Thor will end up back on Earth to meet with Doctor Strange, but one thing’s for sure: this is shaping up to be one of Marvel’s most different films yet, and we couldn’t be more excited.
Thor Ragnorok arrives in theaters November 3, 2017.
Entertainment Weekly